Tuesday, 24 July 2012

BBC Ancient Greeks Website

Hi Learners,

There is a great BBC website here. Make sure you check it out to add to your learning!

Here's a picture of the page just so you know what you're looking for.

Miss BT 

Farewell Emily!

Today we said goodbye to Emily. She is off to America to live. 
We hope you have a great time over there and we look forward to hearing from our new American penpal! 

Te Wiki o te reo Māori: Poi making

These children were very adventurous today and had a go at making Poi.

They did a great job of helping each other with the tricky bits! 

Monday, 23 July 2012

Choice and Challenge

Hopefully most of you got this letter on a nice piece of yellow paper on Friday. We have changed up Choice and Challenge and we look forward to having whānau on board with giving the children new experiences. 

If you want another paper copy of the letter then please let me know. Also if you can help with any dates outlined in the table, then please also let me know that! 


Sunday, 22 July 2012

Look what Mrs Watson found....Let's go back in time!

Look at how much some of our Springston Explorers have changed! It is good to look back and see where we have come from and how much we have grown! Enjoy! 

Thursday, 12 July 2012

I Can Animate

Carol taught us over several weeks how to make animations using the iPads and application I Can Animate

We had such a great time putting the animations together and making up stories to go with them. This animation was done by Harriet and Māhora. 

What did you enjoy about their animation?

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Springston News: Maui's Dolphins

Emily, Regan and Patrick did a wonderful job of sharing their learning through this news report. They loved writing the script and practicing hard to get it right.

I enjoyed getting to see their enthusiasm for learning come out!

What did you enjoy most from their video? What did you learn?

Springston News: Californian Condors

William, Lucy, Ollie, Arohaina and Sammy worked so hard in putting all their learning together. They wrote the script, designed the set and filmed their news broadcast.

They did such a great job and Mrs Watson and I are just so proud!

What did you enjoy about their video? What did you learn from it?

Californian Condor Fotobabble

This group worked hard together to share their learning on the Californian Condor.

Well done to Jacob, Sam G, Tor and Aria.

Challenge: What causes Californian Condors to die?

Romillys' Learning

Challenge: Where do Maui's Dolphins live?

Jess' Fotobabble

Listen to Jess' great Fotobabble!

Challenge: Who are Maui's Dolphins cousins with?

Sarah Shares her Learning - Maui's Dolphins

Listen to Sarahs' wonderful Fotobabble!