We will add to this when we come across goodies!
NB: Never leave your child unsupervised while on the internet.
- Utah Education Network - This website has a collection of activities from a variety of sites. There are many to choose from and they have been organised into learning areas. They have collections for older children too.
- Build your Wild Self - This a fun activity to help develop their mouse using and reading skills.
- Keyboard Games - These games help children to learn where the letters and numbers are on the keyboard. this will get them ready for when they are typing their own stories and work on the laptops in class.
- Sight words with Samson - This site is great for helping children learn their high frequency words.
- Roy the Zebra - This site has lots of reading games and online stories for your child to read.
- Poetry 4 Kids - This site has lots of hilarious poems to share with your child and family. You can listen to poet Kenn Nesbitt reading his funny poems.
- Giggle Poetry - This site is another great site full of poems!

- Tens Frames - This game is great for practicing making ten.
- Hundreds Board - This game encourages children to quickly identify numbers and locate them on a hundreds board.
- Jumping through ten - This game lets children practice jumping up to ten and then making another jump. eg. 7 + 5 = 7+3+2.
- Ten less - Kick the ball into the goal that is ten less then the number on the goalie's tshirt.
- Maths Practice - This site is great because each activity focuses on a specific maths skill your child needs to develop. Use the kindergarten and first grade menus to start off with.
- Maths games - This site has a great selection of games. Each game practices a specific skill. I will be using it in class at maths time.
- Maths is fun! - This is a great site and is one we will use in class.
- Teaching Tables - This site has lots of fun games to help our children learn their times tables.
- Study Ladder - Use your log in details to earn points and practice knowledge hotspots.
- Fractions Pizza - 5 levels for your child to work through.
- Fractions shoot out - Hit the right fractions.
- 5 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 5 times tables.
- 2 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 2 times tables.
- 10 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 10 times tables.
- 3 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 3 times tables.
- 4 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 4 times tables.
- 6 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 6 times tables.
- 7 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 7 times tables.
- 8 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 8 times tables.
- 9 times tables - Join Percy Parker to learn your 9 times tables.