Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Planting Beans ...

Today we planted beans in CD cases.
First we got our CD case and put our names on them.
Next we got our safety gear on.  We needed gloves and a breathing mask because we were using potting mix.  We put some potting mix into the CD case.
Then we placed a bean in the middle.
Finally we closed up the CD case and put some cellotape on them.

Ohhhh we wonder what is going to happen?
We have to be patient to see what happens next ... we will let you see the progress!!!


  1. What a great idea to use a CD case so you can see the bean growing. I can't wait to see what they look like. Are you having a competition to see whose bean sprouts the first?

  2. Thats good I hope they grow

  3. I hope the beans grow.
    It was a good idea to use the CD case.


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